France (French: France), officially the Republic of France (French: Républiquefrançaise) is a country in Western Europe, in addition to a collection of islands andterritories in other parts of the world. France in Europe stretches from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic. It is bordered by Andorra, Belgium,Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland and Germany. The Ministry of OverseasFrench Guyana bordering Brazil and Suriname, while France and the Netherlandsshares a border of Saint Martin.
France is a democracy, organized as a semi-governmental entity presidentiell Republic.It is an industrial country with the sixth largest economy in the world (2005). The country'smain ideals presented in the Declaration of human and citizen's rights. France was afounding member of the European Union and the United Nations, and member of LaFrancophonie, the G8 and the Latin Union. The country is geographically the largest inthe EU. It is also one of the five permanent members of UN Security Council and thus has veto power, and it is one of the eight declared nuclear weapons states with
France is a democracy, organized as a semi-governmental entity presidentiell Republic.It is an industrial country with the sixth largest economy in the world (2005). The country'smain ideals presented in the Declaration of human and citizen's rights. France was afounding member of the European Union and the United Nations, and member of LaFrancophonie, the G8 and the Latin Union. The country is geographically the largest inthe EU. It is also one of the five permanent members of UN Security Council and thus has veto power, and it is one of the eight declared nuclear weapons states with
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